Beaumont Leys Masjid has many services and features to grant ease and convenience to the brothers and sisters in the community. A list of the service can be found below, if there are any questions or inconveniencies please contact us.
The Beaumont Leys Masjid has a main prayer hall accessible through red automatic doors for brothers. Additional outdoor space is provided for Jummah and Eid. Two prayer rooms are available for sisters through the main red door. We strive to offer a safe and inclusive space for all.
There are four car parks close to the Masjid. 2 of them are big and are near the shops. The others are directly behind the Masjid and opposite the Masjid on the other road. There is also disabled parking in front of the Masjid.
There is a dedicated wudu area on the brother's side. It is next to the automatic doors. There is also a wudu area for the sisters located inside the womens toilets.
Beaumont Leys Masjid has a high-quality sound system with crystal clear quality and optimal volume. The Sound Team has tailored the quality to meet the needs of the community as well as keeping the quality rich.
The masjid's library has expanded with great books by scholars, catering to both the elderly and the young, and spreading knowledge within the community. It includes fundamental books on the sciences of Islam, as well as more advanced texts for those with greater knowledge of the religion.
There are men's toilets as well as women's toilets that are accessible in the hallway. The masjid has a disabled bathroom which is currently closed due to repairs. The main hall also has a kiosk with a kitchen area. The masjid has multiple fire exits and a gathering point.